Do I Need a Vector File?

Let’s Start with the Basics…What is a vector File?

To get technical, vector files are actually mathematical files where the artwork is made up of points and curves. For the purposes of our discussion here, let’s suffice it to say that vector files and full color watercolor files (also called raster files) serve two different purposes.

Because vector files are the solid, linework version of your monogram or crest, these files can be scaled up or down (we’re talking really large to really small!) while still maintaining their crisp edges. There are some instances where the printer may only accept a vector version of your artwork for printing. That’s because they are guaranteed that it will be crisp and high quality!

Above: many party goods are more affordable if printing in a single color (as opposed to a full color watercolor file). Examples include koozies, cups, and drink stirrers.

When do I Need a Vector File?

I advise my couples to order a vector file if you think you’ll want to print your monogram in a solid color or in foil. While you certainly can print your full color watercolor crest on frost flex cups, napkins, and koozies, many of my clients opt to print some or all of these items in a single color to save money. (For example, a navy koozie with white printing will cost significantly less than a white koozie with your full watercolor crest printed on it). Additionally, there are some instances where vector files are required for printing.

You will be required to have a vector file for:

  • Foil printing

  • Letterpress printing

  • White ink printing (i.e. on colored envelopes or paper)

  • Engraving

  • Thermography

  • Frost Flex Cups (single color printing)

  • Koozies / Can Coolers (single color printing)

  • Napkins (single color printing)

  • Matchboxes & Matchbooks

  • Drink Stirrers

  • Wax Seals

  • Embroidery applications

Above: wax seals, white ink printing, and letterpress printing all require vector files for production.

Below: In this crest with a gold foil monogram, we utilized both the full color watercolor crest file AND a vector of the couple’s monogram in the center.

OK, I think I need to add on a vector file!

No problem, just reach out to me at or through Honeybook, and we’ll add it to your package. You’ll be glad you did!